How to Keep Your Home Cool During the Australian Summer? 

It’s the middle of summer, and the heat is unbearable! You try to turn on the air conditioner, but it’s not working. It’s hot. Really hot. And as the temperature continues to rise, it can be tough to keep your home cool and comfortable. What do you do? 

The Australian summer is known for being hot and humid. While this weather can be enjoyable for some, it can also be quite uncomfortable – especially if you don’t know how to keep your home cool.

If you don’t want to be a sweaty mess during the hottest months of the year, keep reading! In this blog post, we will discuss some tips and tricks for keeping your home cool during the Australian summer.

  • Use brighter and lighter colours to reflect heat

The first step to keeping your home cool is using colour!  This means that you should avoid painting or decorating with dark, deep hues like chocolate brown, navy blue, or black as these absorb heat more easily than pale shades, such as white, beige, or cream. Painters in Malvern suggest using white paint on exterior walls, so they reflect sunlight rather than absorbing it, which will make rooms feel cooler throughout the summer months. Most importantly, when it comes to interior design, try to stick with light and bright colours as much s possible. Furniture, curtains, bedding – choose whatever you can in whites and pastels to keep the heat at bay. Not only will this help cool down your home, but it will also give it a refreshed look for summertime!

  • Close your blinds and curtains

The next step to keeping your home cool is closing the blinds or curtains on any windows that face directly out at sunlight. These are best left open during the early morning hours because it allows fresh air in before temperatures rise later in the day. But, make sure they’re shut tight once daylight hits full force! It’s also important for anyone living near a busy road with lots of traffic noise outside their house. By shutting blinds tightly, there will be less sound coming into rooms inside, so it’ll feel quieter when sitting down reading books while relaxing after work. This trick is great if you have an area of your home that gets too hot during summertime, such as bedrooms upstairs facing southwest direction.

  • Change your lightbulbs

Incandescent bulbs generate a good deal of heat, so by replacing these with cooler Compact Fluorescent Light (CFL) or Light Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs, you will notice an immediate difference in the temperature of the room. LED lightbulbs use about one-seventh of the energy that incandescents do, so they are a great choice for keeping your electricity bills low while staying cool! Moreover, these bulbs last about 25 times longer than incandescent lightbulbs, so you’ll be saving money there as well.

  • Chill out, not chill on

Another way to keep your home cool is by avoiding activities that will heat it up. This means staying away from the oven, stovetop, and any other appliances that give off heat. Instead, try cooking outdoors on the barbecue or using a slow cooker – these methods of preparing food don’t produce as much heat as traditional cooking appliances. And if you really can’t avoid using the oven, make sure to crack open a window to allow some airflow! If you’re looking for a more relaxing way to cool down, take a cold bath with some ice cubes. Adding Epsom salts or magnesium flakes can also help lower your body temperature and relax tense muscles – perfect if you’ve had a long day! Moreover, sipping on cold drinks such as iced tea, lemonade, or fruit juice can help keep you hydrated and feeling refreshed. Additionally, try to limit how much time you spend in direct sunlight. Spend more time outside in the morning and evening hours when temperatures are lower.

  • Choose cotton over any other fabric

It’s important that you wear loose-fitting clothing made from light materials like cotton or linen. These will allow air to flow through them better than synthetic fabrics and keep your body temperature down! It’s also useful when choosing bedding for summertime as well. Try opting for an all-cotton sheet set instead of one made entirely out of polyester. This way, you’ll be able to sleep more comfortably on hot nights without feeling sticky because there won’t be any moisture trapped between layers, which can lead to overheating while lying down under blankets with this material type.

  • Be fan savvy

There’s no doubt that fans can make a huge difference in the temperature of a room, so it’s important to use them wisely. Place fans near windows so they can blow hot air out and create a cross-breeze – this will help circulate cool air throughout the entire space. If you’re using an electric fan, try setting it on low or medium instead of high. Doing this uses less energy and won’t cause your electricity bills to skyrocket! Additionally, if there are any members of your household who suffer from allergies or asthma, make sure to keep fans clean by wiping them down with a damp cloth every week or so. This way, you’ll be preventing dust and other allergens from circulating through the air and causing discomfort.

  • Plant shade trees

Finally, one of the best things you can do to keep your home cool during summer is to plant some shade trees. Not only do they provide a beautiful natural landscape, but they also act as a barrier against the sun’s heat. Shade trees will help keep your house and yard cooler, leading to decreased energy use for air conditioning and a more comfortable environment overall! The best trees for this job include the Australian elm, the Moreton Bay fig, and the jacaranda. If you don’t have any of these trees in your yard already, consider planting them this year – it’s a great way to stay cool and save money at the same time!


By following these simple tips, you’ll be able to keep your home cool and comfortable all summer long – without breaking the bank! So get started today and enjoy a relaxing, stress-free season.